Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech., B.Tech.
Electronics and Communication Engineering is the branch of engineering that was introduced in engineering education in the early 80’s in the lieu of facing the challenges in instrumentation and automation fields. It deals with the development and operation of communication technologies including telecommunications and computer programming.
An engineering graduate in Electronics and Communication can become a part of the world-class developing industries. Mobile, Optical fibers, Satellite and Microwave communications are some of the applications of this particular discipline, where a graduate can offer his duties.
Electronics and communication engineers concern themselves with design, development, production and quality control problems, processing of information in the field of communication and control systems, electronics computers, industrial electronics and instrumentation. They can also work in enterprises dealing with electronic devices and equipment, radio, television, radar and navigation aids in their design, manufacturing and applications.
Basic Electronics lab | Optical Communication Lab |
Instrumentation and Measurement Lab | T.V. Radar Lab |
Network Analysis Lab | Computer Network and Transmission Line Lab |
Analog and Digital Communication | Microprocessor lab |
Data communication Lab | Antenna and Propagation Lab |
Digital Electronics Lab | Digital Signal Processing Lab |
Microwave Lab | MATLAB Lab |
Advance Communication System Lab | Electronic Circuit Lab |
CMOS VLSI Lab | Language LAB(JAVA)Lab |