Principal's Message

It gives me an immense pleasure to introduce you to Alpine Institute of Technology (AIT). Technical Education is the backbone of every nation and is the stepping stone for a country to move into the niche of a developed nation. Alpine Institute of Technology was established in the year 2007, in the pilgrimage city of Ujjain MP, to fulfill this national objective. Since inception, AIT is promoting excellence in education with the help of qualified faculty members and modern infrastructure.
Our ambition is to create a college that meets/exceeds the educational, social and physical needs of all its students. One of our aim is to provide the opportunity to all of our students to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to take their position in the world of work and higher education.
We wish our stake holders and well wishers all the best and good luck.
– Principal
– Dr. Mukesh K Kumawat
(PhD , ME, BE)